Budget build advice needed.

24 Feb 2017
Hi All,

Been a long time since I last gamed on a PC. I could do with some help to finish my build using old left over parts in the attic. I have decided to spend the least amount I can to finish this build. Objectives is to for it to play CIV 5, Total War and a few other similar games.

Currently I have the following.

Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse
G3258 Pentium
Msi Twinfrozer 7870 GPU
Kingston 120GB SSD
Corsair 200R case.

I'm certain I have 4gb RAM somewhere and a 1TB HDD but need to look for them.

I want to OC the chip but i am struggling getting a decent Mobo for cheap ( I don't care if its used). I believe I need a z97 to OC but is my only option to spend £70.00?

And lastly would it just be more sensible to buy a new PSU? Any decent ones you could recommend on a low budget? Or would a used one off eBay be fine?

Thanks in Advance.
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