Noblechairs Hero....a few questions

22 Mar 2022
Northern Eyeland
Hi Gang,

Treated myself to one of the fabric Noblechairs Hero seats last week and I have a few questions, perhaps issues.......but first.......

Chair was bought late afternoon one day and delivered to me the next day before lunch! "No biggie" I hear you say.......well, I live in Northern Ireland so, yeah...."BIGGIE!" I have to commend OCUK on this quite simply outrageous delivery speed. Well done guys!

Now, my questions:

1. I am a pretty bad arthritis sufferer and while yes, I appreciate that this is not technically an ergonomic chair, I figured that it would be better than the Ikea trash I was sitting on. I also could not afford any of the proper ergo chairs that I found comfortable. I tried them out locally and searched second hand for a long time. No dice. Anyway, while this is a padded seat, I am finding it very firm and seem to be getting pins and needles in my feet while in use. Is anyone else getting this? Could this be attributed to the height as I have to have the seat on the lowest setting to rest my feet flat on the ground.

2. Did anyone have issues with the adjustment levers? I simply cannot get one to go on properly. I moved them about and it is definitely the fault of the handle.

3. When the base is locked (i.e. not in rocking mode) it feels like it cobbles about an awful lot. If i lean back into the chair when locked it rocks back a little and then hits the locked limit. I almost thought I hadn't tightened everything but I had and it feels a little, well.....not solid. Anyone else getting that? I mean, my little turd Ikea chair which also had a rocking feature didn't do this. it was £60

4. The smell. To me, it smells like old damp rather than new seat smell. It has been assembled for about 5 days now and the smell is still there. Anyone else?

I really don't want to return this as, well......I really sold myself on it and love it aesthetically. Did the bouncing about between Secretlab, Bouilles and this and decided on this.

Appreciate the input guys

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