Losing Weight

18 Oct 2002
Gangster said:
What happens if im not even hungry? Have food or dont?

Thanks for your help!!

After a while you will get hungry at the right times, it's just the way your metabolism will change. For the first bit I would eat even if you're not hungry, just a piece of fruit or a yoghurt or something will do.

As for your portions, it's amazing how little food you actually need to feel full. I found I had a bit of a problem that if there's food on a plate, I would eat it all even after I felt full. Now I aim for smaller portions and you really don't need as much as you think :)

The other thing of course is that you have to exercise, you have to burn more than you are consuming!

Good luck it's not easy to start with but it's well worth it :D

30 Dec 2004
Thanks Panzer!

I had lunch, normally I ate 3/4 slices of cheese on toast :eek: and I halfed it and ate 2 pieces. Surprisingly I was full just after the two, so I think that I can now start begin to see the reason why I am overweight as I was just eating food I didnt need.

I've never done this before, even though its the most common thing to do its really easy to stick to rather than something like WeightWatchers - where I'd have to restrict myself away from foods and countdown the seconds to eat! Now eating the food I enjoy, but smaller portions really helps :)

Thanks a lot guys, I shall update you with my progress over the next week.

Currently weigh: 10st 10 Pounds
Target: Under 9st 7 Pounds (A Big target, but its what I want - or there abouts)
24 Dec 2005
Well done to everyone who has lost weight. Takes a strong will power and dedication. Personally i've never had this issue, but i helped a friend lose weight. We got him to basically shadow me. I exercise pretty much everydays and i stay away from 'manufactured' foods. Basically snacks of any kind are out, i eat meals of real food, pasta, rice, white meat etc and if i do feel like picking at something while watching the football for example, i'll have a fruit bowl from the supermarket. Not the same as diving into a pack of biscuits, but hey, it gets the job done.
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