Lost my love of gaming :(

18 Oct 2002
I'm 42 now and just go through periods where I'm into a game a play it a lot (COD MW2 this year up until a month ago) and then nothing. Prior to MW2, I hadn't game for a year.

I tend to stop gaming in the summer months. Not because I'd rather be outside doing things, just I hate the heat and it's horrible sat down in humidity in the evening gaming and getting a bead on at the same time!

I've had/got a lot of time off this Christmas and decided to turn on the PS5 for this first time in months and try to play through a load of games I purchased and never played. Currently playing Ghost of Tsushima and must say it's fantastic. Only 50% through after 18 hours played.

I suppose that's another reason. I'm married with daughter. As much as I'd love to lock myself away for hours to absorb myself in a game, I know that's pretty selfish of me so I just tend to play 1 to 1.5 hours per sitting. Already mentioned earlier but I work full time so at the end of the day, I'm mentally tired and just can't be bothered. I'd rather just sit on the sofa in the evening rather that stimulate my brain further. If I was younger it wouldn't be an issue :p
18 Jan 2007
I suppose that's another reason. I'm married with daughter. As much as I'd love to lock myself away for hours to absorb myself in a game, I know that's pretty selfish of me so I just tend to play 1 to 1.5 hours per sitting. Already mentioned earlier but I work full time so at the end of the day, I'm mentally tired and just can't be bothered. I'd rather just sit on the sofa in the evening rather that stimulate my brain further. If I was younger it wouldn't be an issue :p

Yep, exactly the same here but with 3 kids. That's why handheld gaming us do perfect for me.
18 Oct 2002
Real life does get in the way more as you age. I still play Supreme Commander 2 and that game must be about 100 years old now - I don't have time to get into games - really need something that is easy to start. Used to love FPS games for that reason. Getting into retro gaming a bit more now - the good ole days
2 Jul 2019
Stalker 2 is edging closer to the January release. I've not gamed in 18 months or more i reckon, but that will lightly change next month.

Hoping my rx6600 can do it at 1080p 90fps. It'll be the first time gaming (outside of a test) on my LG B1, and got virtual DTS headphone ready and waiting too.
24 Dec 2005
I’m rekindling it…Just bought a PS5 to go with my 77” Oled….if I’m in front of the PC I’m mostly in my DAW and recording….as I only really gamed on PC and only in the winter months…

Having the PS5 in the lounge means I can fire up a racing game or whatever…Jump in and out with really quickly….just bought some need for speeds and racers for like £3 each from PlayStation store…cheaper than steam!

Im guessing I will totally suck at a FPS game with controller as I’m so used to keyboard and mouse..not tried one yet…

Has anyone managed transistion from Keyboard and mouse to controller for FPS On console?
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30 Apr 2003
Not the first to say it but I stumbled across this thread wanting to post the same thing.

I think it's more to do with the modern age, seemingly infinite availability and overwhelm that sometimes gets to the point where it feels like you're miserable and incapable of doing anything, there is just too much choice and availability.

At the same time, I've wondered whether it's just age too, I'm no longer in my prime, but the blocker/delay for me playing anything is actually finding something to play, it's overwhelm. Time spent looking, buying, collecting > time played.

Less is definitely more, and I think it's something I'll forever miss. It's comparable to films coming on the late 80s-90s TV at Christmas, either it'd taken them 4 years to get there, or you'd be sat together watching back to the future or Indiana Jones 'again' - it was an event still though, and your hand was kind of forced. I look back on that now as a very good thing.

I've sat down this morning, full of cold, but having slept god knows how long it's time to do "something" whacked on the Xbox to find I have...

* A digital back catalog I've picked up 'cheap' and not played

* A stack of cheap physicals I've picked up, and not played

* The entire game pass platform

*...same for PS4, PC etc.

The things I haven't played aren't junk either, I flicked to the Witcher 3 complete edition, Skyrim remastered, Red Dead 2, still not done last of us, spiderman...

The list goes on, instead, I've found myself here, but quite easily could have ended up doing nothing too :p Is it that I don't want to, or more I don't know where to start?

Read further up the thread that the best experience are those social ones and I agree, sadly not all of us have people we know that game, or can sync at the same time.

I keep trying to come up with some way of doing like community events or "game of the quarter" or something for those that don't have 50+ hours a week to sync into things, something to kind of force my arm and make the decision for me!
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28 Feb 2006
No longer riding an Italian
I've found that the new pricing has dampened my love of gaming - I have an ever increasing list of games I would like, but won't be buying until they're down to the 30-40 quid mark.

When my daughter came along 3 years ago, I expected she would take most of my free time away, and gaming would naturally die a slow death - but I've managed to balance everything and keep up a decent amount of play time; so the PS5 didn't go to waste as I thought.

I mainly tend to game in the **** months, as I have my motorcycle for the rest of the years free time, and have been revisiting my back catalogue recently; going to re-play Titanfall 2 soon, as that was quite a decent game and one I didn't actually put down from start to finish.
14 Sep 2007
West Yorkshire, England
I've started ignoring games for the most part. I don't buy as much and spend less time playing, some times I play nothing for days. When I go back to a game now, be it Monster Hunter, Picross or anything else, it's much more enjoyable.

I bought a laptop of MM, one with integrated graphics, so it's pretty limited, but the portability is something I feel I missed. I've now started online courses to learn to code in HTML and learning to draw, doing this daily and started about 2 weeks. Also has got me watching more movies instead of staring at my games list not knowing which game to play.
6 Mar 2007
SW London
I'm 34, I've gone through long phases of not gaming much and other times gaming a lot during my adult life so far. Currently in a gaming phase again. Although not as much as when I was a kid/young I now tend to play one game at a time and a few games a year but still enjoy it!
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21 Aug 2010
I'm 34, I've gone through long phases of not gaming much and other times gaming a lot during my adult life so far. Currently in a gaming phase again. Although not as much as when I was a kid/young I now tend to play one game at a time and a few games a year but still enjoy it!
I'm the same. Hadn't played in ages then a few months ago came back to it.
Desperately need an update though.
Choosing a game is getting harder with the shear choice.
Currently working through fallout 3 again though.
30 Oct 2003
I go through phases of losing my love of gaming. Currently in a bit of a slump where I just can't be bothered with anything other than casual games. It usually comes back when a release I'm excited about is released.
I'm looking forward to the Silent Hill 2 remake.
5 Jan 2005
Engerland :)
I know how you feel a little....

I watch more YouTube videos of people playing games than I do playing them myself.

Still racing and fligh sims hold my attention - but no longer a fan of the the tried and tested Footy games or Footy management games which I used to play for hours on end.
Old age ey :(
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18 Feb 2007
I know how you feel a little....

I watch more youtube videos of people playing games that I do actually playing them myself.

Still racing and fligh sims hold my attention - but no longer a fan of the the tried and tested Footy games or Footy management games which I used to play for hours on end.
Old age ey :(

Same here, nothing holds my interest apart from ms flight sim currently. I need a good new release to peak my interest again.
I still have my Xbox, but I’m pleased I sold my ps5 early December as I wasn't using either much this last 2 months or so.
Need a good single player adventure.
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25 Oct 2003
53 here and played since the days of pong...recently felt a bit like this but I find that getting into a great SP game really sucks me back in...it was odd as I was half-way through GoW:R which I was enjoying but I think as I played the first game I probably got a bit saturated with the game...I stopped around half-way through.

This time it's RDR2 that's got me excited again, RDR1 is one of my top 5 games and I tried but didn't really get along with it originally...but now I'm totally hooked again. I think trying something fresh also can help...at the moment I seem to enjoy more 'aimless' grindy games, I don't get much game-time so SP fits better but for some reason I like just hunting and 'existing' within this game...
5 May 2008
53 here and played since the days of pong...recently felt a bit like this but I find that getting into a great SP game really sucks me back in...it was odd as I was half-way through GoW:R which I was enjoying but I think as I played the first game I probably got a bit saturated with the game...I stopped around half-way through.

This time it's RDR2 that's got me excited again, RDR1 is one of my top 5 games and I tried but didn't really get along with it originally...but now I'm totally hooked again. I think trying something fresh also can help...at the moment I seem to enjoy more 'aimless' grindy games, I don't get much game-time so SP fits better but for some reason I like just hunting and 'existing' within this game...
You’re basically me. 54 here and also happily lost in RDR2’s wilderness. Mostly I am ignoring the missions and just hunting and fishing and enjoying the beautiful game world they created. My Ragnarok disk is just sat in the drive waiting for me to get back into it and right now I have no real desire to do that.
19 Jan 2010
Well I've been off gaming for a long time now, I'd say around 6 weeks. I just don't get the time or even want to. I'm 42 with 2 kids and where I used to stay up late and game I now just watch TV or just go to bed. It's a shame really
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