My best find EVER! Boost game performance by 80-90%!

5 Jul 2004
Gateshead, United Kingdom
Yeah m8 i found as ive had a good mess about with switching fastwrites on/off in the bios/windows didnt really make any diff although the demo seems pretty smooth and performs well(apart from the pauses when turning bit mentioned) when i knocked down my agp aperture size down to 32mb..hasnt seem to have had any negative impact on performance and if anything has smoothed it abit but still with the pauses..maybe this one will be ironed out in the final version(f.e.a.r is out this friday isnt it the 14th oct?..)
5 Oct 2004
Garrison, New Jersey
Ashman UK said:
Yeah m8 i found as ive had a good mess about with switching fastwrites on/off in the bios/windows didnt really make any diff although the demo seems pretty smooth and performs well(apart from the pauses when turning bit mentioned) when i knocked down my agp aperture size down to 32mb..hasnt seem to have had any negative impact on performance and if anything has smoothed it abit but still with the pauses..maybe this one will be ironed out in the final version(f.e.a.r is out this friday isnt it the 14th oct?..)

I read a guide for bf2 that advised the oppisite so I raised the aperture to 128 or might have been 256 even. Either way it didnt make any noticable difference, unless someone goes through every change and does a 3dmark afterwards its going to be hard to tell
9 Aug 2004
M'on da udder side mahn

I never had any problems appart from verm mild lag on Queyons Harbour section. Since reading this I've had it there and in other places all weekend! Was there a new patch or something?
12 Aug 2004
Oop North
To the chaps talking about stuttering with HL2, Valve has said that the stuttering is not caused by sound card issues. I get it and I don't have an audigy (still on some old SB Live variant). I think that it can be a file access problem the game is pausing waiting for file access and the soundcard just loops the last sound instruction it got. No idea how to fix it though (perhaps more memory though I'm fairly sure that I don't max out on memory when playing HL2).
5 Jul 2004
Gateshead, United Kingdom
Well ive been digging abit deeper into this problem i get say with half life 2 and the f.e.a.r demo and for the last hour or so ive been messing around with the f.e.a.r demo with putting all settings to minimum(so it looks crap yes) to find obviously at minumum settings that there's no pauses at all which u would expect.

So bit by bit ive kept putting each setting upto maximum and to test kept reloading the start bit of the f.e.a.r demo when u get out of the car and turn right(the usual bit where it pauses horridly for me).

Ive found this..that i can put every setting upto maximum in the computer performance side of it which with this processor u would expect and it dosent pause at all in the menioned area or any other(was bliss playing it without pauses i must say..even though it was at crappy res

Then i started maxing each of the gfx settings in fears settings and i found the one that really starts it to cause pausing badly round the first corner is video texture and texture soon as these are set to medium or indeed high it gives me the pauses really bad but when these two are knocked back down to minimum it plays as smooth as buttermilk.

In half life 2 aswell ive personally found that knocking down "texture" to low the pauses and hitchies went away and indeed in battlefield 2 ive found that if i knock down texures to medium and not high i dont get the pause it usually gives a lot of users at the start of the map.

So in summary most of my games for some reason(especially with this setup which baffles me and it is optimised,tweaked and looked after) when textures/texture resolution is turned up to high 9/10 thats what i think gives me pauses and stutter probs in games..why?..i only wish i knew..and ive applied the memory tweaks at the top of this post aswell..if there's anymore to do with say speeding up texture transfer between the cpu and gfx card or anything along those lines plz point us in the right direction..this is just the one and only thing that really spoils my pc games considering the system i have.

Sorry about long post but there you go lol.. :D
5 Jul 2004
Gateshead, United Kingdom
Indeed vegeta thats the problem with the money ive paid over the months for this setup espcially the gfx card its performance with textures on high(fps wise) is fine but the fact that in a lot of games when i turn textures up the above mentioned problems arise(pauses, stutters) and thats why it *&^$%& me off!!.:) and would love to nail the problem down.
5 Jul 2004
Gateshead, United Kingdom
Yeah someone mentioned the omega drivers above which ive used once or twice although only for a trial on the odd occasion and have usually gone back to the official ones but with this case in general mentioned back up the post(high res pauses, stutters) etc ill give em a shot.

Ive got the highly reccomended hiper 580w psu coming tommorow morning from ocuk to replace this levicom 550w psu that ive had for over a year and a half now, maybe this high quality psu will help with the more stressfull games when this pc is pushed with latest games as i have read on reviews of my present power supply(levicom 550w) that even though its 550w its not very good under stress tests etc and thought it was about time i upgraded it.
27 Sep 2005
Burbage, Hinckley
Ashman UK said:
Yeah someone mentioned the omega drivers above which ive used once or twice although only for a trial on the odd occasion and have usually gone back to the official ones but with this case in general mentioned back up the post(high res pauses, stutters) etc ill give em a shot.

Ive got the highly reccomended hiper 580w psu coming tommorow morning from ocuk to replace this levicom 550w psu that ive had for over a year and a half now, maybe this high quality psu will help with the more stressfull games when this pc is pushed with latest games as i have read on reviews of my present power supply(levicom 550w) that even though its 550w its not very good under stress tests etc and thought it was about time i upgraded it.

. <- This is a full stop
, <- This is a comma

If you use them it will make your posts so much easier to read ;)
5 Jul 2004
Gateshead, United Kingdom
Just had a look at this thread again to see if any more input had been put into this thread on this topic which had lots of good info from the thread starter etc about increasing performance only to see this completely un-called for and typically sarcastic comment from the poster above only to see this person has been suspended for "some" reason.

Im just glad these boards are well moderated so stupid crap like this dosent have to be tolerated and the fact that these boards are well moderated is one of the reasons why this forum is one of the very few i post on these days.. :)..and yes i do try to spell check/edit my posts quite vigorously thanks, which obviously and unsurprisingly the poster above cant atm so nuff said. :cool: ..sorry for the rant davey/dolph but that above is not needed plus after exploring my user cp options etc, ive exercised the ignore user option for the first time.. :)
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18 Oct 2002
Newcastle, England
Thats weird I was just going to try this tweak to see if improves Fear etc. I'll let you know how it goes.

Also I agree with the above, theres no point in the negative comments its just rude and uncalled for imo. Thanks to the poster for the tip.
5 Jul 2004
Gateshead, United Kingdom
Let us know how it goes m8, i think though with the stuttering issue ive mentioned before, ive read in fear's read-me that this maybe is caused by ati's drivers with textures set at high and not loading all of them into video memory..the exact same problem i had with half life 2.

This is from fear's read-me to do with ati cards...

"..Hitching may occur when a large number of new materials are loaded into video memory at the same time. Please contact ATi for the latest information
regarding this issue. In the meantime, try turning texture resolution down to
Medium in the performance menu.."

p.s. saying that though u have a 6800gt so that bit above shouldnt affect you..i wish it wouldnt on some of my games with textures set to high.. :(
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9 Aug 2004
M'on da udder side mahn
Interesting find - you remember that some people advised against using this tweak with Ati cards? Well I've done some asking aroud and it seems that most people I've talked to (and that's most everyone I can in Norath) who has an Ati card says they get problems anyway. Maybe it's not related to the tweak, maybe - and sorry to be a conspiracy theorist - it's because SOE want us to play it on nVidia cards (the way it's meant to be played apparently)
4 Feb 2004
Taken from TweakTown where most of this other information came from.

"There are many differing opinions on just how big or small the pagefile should be. One rule every expert agrees on however is never ever set your pagefile=0, regardless of how much RAM you have. WinXP needs a pagefile in order to operate correctly. Setting the pagefile to zero does not speed up your WinXP by forcing XP to "just use my RAM" doesn't work that way - refer to the guide above for more details."
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