Retro Online Gaming

29 Dec 2005
Hey all,

I wanted to make a thread to raise awareness of some of the online games via original hardware that have servers hosted by different awesome communities across the Dreamcast, Gamecube, PS2 and Original Xbox.

Phantasy Star Online (Dreamcast/GC/Xbox):-

Quake 3 (Dreamcast/PC):-

Resident Evil Outbreak (PS2):-

Halo 2 (Xbox)

Some of these consoles will need broadband adapters / modems to get back online and this is not an exhaustive list by any stretch, but ones that I have come across and some that I am regularly playing. It is quite nice to have a community led server of like minded players without a lot of the toxic rubbish that most experience now days! The Dreamcast inparticular has regular gaming nights, but getting online is slightly trickier than the others.

For those interested:-

Dreamcast - There are two options. The first is the DreamPi which requires a Pi, USB modem and modified cable to ensure it carries the correct voltage. The second is the expensive broadband adapter which only provides access to a small number of games (popular ones being Quake 3 and PSO).
Gamecube - There is an adapter that works whilst using Swiss and sold by a chap in Poland (webhdx and the adaptger is named ETH2GC).
PS2 - I believe network adapters are easy to come by and still being made for this one, if you have slim it will have one pre-installed (may need a way to run imported games though - As Japanese version of Outbreak is required to play online).
Xbox - All of these had an adpter built in, method to get up an running seems fairly simple but will need a way to access a USB stick - Cables can be purchased pretty cheaply!
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