Should I upgrade my MSI 450 Tomahawk Max?

27 Dec 2002
I recently managed to get hold of a 5950X at a decent price. AS it is still an AM4 I simply replaced my 3900X with the new processor. The PC runs fine but I am just starting to overclock my RAM and whilst testing with PC MArk 10 it is just crashing my machine. I have raised a case with the developers and they are questioning if the upgraded proicessor is supported in my MB. I've been looking around and a lot of advice indicates that whilst it will run etc the VRMs may not be up to it and that a B550 board may be a wise investment. On my latest overclock I tested and it passed fine with OCCT and testmem with anta extreme config. When I was playing Diablo 4 it did just suddenly restart though so I am not sure if maybe I am getting to the limits of this board. If I do change what is a recommended board? I am really happy with this MSI board so would be quite happy to stick with MSI. REcommendations on their forums is to go for a MB with powerstages as opposed to discrete MOSFETS so I'm maybe looking for a board with this.

Thanks all!
Man of Honour
22 Jun 2006
B450 Tomahawk Max is a decent board, I'd keep it and dial down the memory overclocks, since I assume that if you purchased a 5950X you have A LOT of RAM and are likely to value stability more than a few % from OC the memory.
19 May 2012
Spalding, Lincolnshire
As long as the VRMs have a reasonable amount of airflow, I doubt the motherboard is the issue (as it was one of the better 4xx series motherboards that were available)

If it's happening with a RAM overclock it seems more likely just unstable RAM rather than anything to do with the VRMs

18 Feb 2008
5950X itself runs fine with a MSI 450 Tomahawk Max, been running one stable in my server build for 18+ months, on 24/7 under heavy load, zero crashes. That's with 64GB 3600MHz CL16 memory, haven't tried overclocking the memory
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10 Nov 2005
Why is it you even want to overclock the ram? Or overclock anything? You've got a decent CPU? Is you're ram not 3200/3600mhz then?
Having tried my 3600mhz at both 3200mhz and 3600mhz, real world usage gaming/doing anything on the pc, I noticed zero gain/loss.

If you really think you need it, why don't you sell your existing ram and just buy new ram at the speed you want?
It is stupidly cheap these days, I paid £76 delivered last March for 32GB of cas16 3600mhz corsair lpx...
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