Solar Eclipse - 8 APr 2024

18 Oct 2002
Nr Colchester, Essex

I will be in Texas for it with my Sony RX10 III

I have been reading various sites about doing photos but the number 1 thing just seems to be practice, using the moon is a good idea of settings needed for totality apparently. I am a little nervous about it as I am not as familiar with the Sony as I was with my Canon 650D. The Sony also has a lot more electric rather than manual adjustment so it's easy to loose settings. Bracketing is something else suggested but something I haven't really used much. I have a remote shutter and will take my smaller tripod to try and ensure sharper images.

I bought a ND100000 filter (16.6 Stops) as I plan on taking photos up to and after totality, of course you need to take the filter off for totallity photos. My main aim is to just spend as little time as possible with the Camera it's something I really want to experience but also would really like to get a good photo.
18 Oct 2002
Nr Colchester, Essex
Well that was a rollercoaster. Typically April 8th was cloudy, the 7th and 9th were clear. We ended up in Kerrville which was patchy cloud during partial and then a little while before totallity the cloud just got thicker and thicker. We kept getting glimpses but it wasn't looking good then around 15s before totallity it cleared long enough to see the diamond effect and totallity itself before it vanished for the rest of the 4 minutes. We got incredibly lucky. I took some partial photos then left it on video for totallity as I couldn't track the sun anymore and wanted to make sure I experienced it with my own eyes. I managed to get a composite between the photos and 4K video which isn't too bad I don't think.

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