Tabletop Warhammer?

12 Sep 2009
Here we go ;)

Matt Cexwish Bone
Bold Titanium White
Faded Ultramarine
Dark Grey Blue
Rich Gold
Bright Gold

I have also got a bottle of Newsh on pre-order which should arrive mid April.
12 Sep 2009

Just placed an order for my new hobby space it will be replacing an old rundown summer house in my garden.

It means I can move my 3d printers into an area I can use all year round now, I will be looking to wall mount all my paints etc and organise my stuff a lot better.

The log cabin should arrive in 5 weeks or so, happy days.

Cheers All
12 Sep 2009
“How much have you spent on your hobby this month?”

“Oh I treat myself to a £30 brush set, how about you?”

“I bought a £6k log cabin” :D

Nice thing is also I will have somewhere to setup a board and actually play a game of AOS.

Not enough space in my house, I have a 3d printer with 2 AMS colour change units sitting on my lounge table, resin printers in my garden shed which I cant use as its too cold to print resin.

On a plus point my wifi connection in that part of the garden is fine so one less thing to worry about ;)

Cheers All
12 Oct 2006
The paints arrived today, really pleased with the 2 shades of gold and also the matt bone.

I will test the Bold White out tomorrow :)
I don’t like the golds. Just something about the tint. Love my Scale 75 golds.

The bold pyro red and burnt red are an awesome combo. They have some awesome new signature colours coming out!!
12 Sep 2009
I don’t like the golds. Just something about the tint. Love my Scale 75 golds.

The bold pyro red and burnt red are an awesome combo. They have some awesome new signature colours coming out!!
Yes I have noticed the new colours coming out ;)

Currently 3d printing some wall mounted paint holders, I will print out 2 to start with just to check which paint pots will fit as they have been designed for Citadel paints, If need be they can be scaled up or down for other brands.

Also trying to decide how I am going to fit out the insulated log cabin that I ordered yesterday.

Cheers All
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12 Sep 2009

This modular wall mounted paint rack came out really well, printed in just under 2 hours.

I think I will colour code the racks for contrast, base, layer & shade paint, which should make finding the colour/type easier to find.

The Pro Acryl Paints fit in it too.

Cheers All
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23 Dec 2011
Northern England
2k game tonight vs eldar - marine victory!

Took a bit of a risk and went for quite an aggressive deployment with my redeemer and brutalis fairly exposed. Which promptly bit me in the arse when my opponent got first turn.
Between 2 wraithseers, a fire prism, vyper, wave serpent and dark reapers he did a grand total of 8 wounds on the brutalis aaaaand 4 on the redeemer (popped smoke and used my tech marines once per turn damage ignore). I suspect he might have forgotten some of the rerolls he had access to but kept track best I could.
I pushed forwards heavily which was a risk given he was running 2 squads of wraithguard but I had a plan! Manged to use my gladiator and a balistus to pop off the fire prism. The second balistus managed to take some wounds off the wave serpent which I then managed to take out with the land raider. Having disgorged the lovely cargo of aggressors and feirros it then put its sponsons in to a squad of the wraithguard killing 2 and wounding 1 more. This meant their return fire was much less effective and it did nothing. I then shot them with the aggressors and feirros reducing them to 1 before charging in to another squad to tie them up. Bit of a meh charge and only managed to kill all 5 but losing 1 aggressor from my terrible saves to their leader.
The brutalis charged a ranger squad and mulched them. This put me on 4 out of 5 objectives going in to turn 2 but heavily exposed in the middle.
The eldar brought on their swooping hawks and a squad of wraithblades (who later failed their charge and did absolutely nothing) and brought back a dead wraithguard. Did a little repositioning and absolutely hammered my land raider and brutalis again. This left the brutalis looking very shake on 2 wounds and the LR somehow on 6 (techmarine ftw again). A load of firepower also went in to the aggressors but I took cover which meant 3 lived on!
He charged both wraithseers in to both the land raider and aggressors along with the surviving wraithguard. Mistake as I overwatched and cooked the wraithguard leaving just the spiritseer leading them alive. Both wraithseers then went to town on the land raider aaaaaand whiffed! It was left alive on 3 wounds.
I proceeded to then put a few hits on one but left the other unscathed.
My second turn and I mopped up pretty much everything except a couple of the wraith blades, the spirit seers and one wraithseer with my shooting. In combat I finished off the spirit seers and then completely failed to touch the remaining full health wraithseer. I can't quite work out why but at this point he decided to attack my aggressors in CC instead of finishing off the LR but that's what he did and somehow only killed one. Had he targeted the LR he could have then had a free go in his next turn in to my gladiator which would have then led in to the balistus removing most of the threats to him!
Start of eldar turn 3 and he maneuvered what few troops he had left then decided to disengage from combat with the aggressors and LR with his untouched wraithseer, again reallt dont know why. I decided to overwatch it with my LR. Rolled double 6s with the wounded for 7 damage...another devastating wound from the twin assault cannon...then the sponsons opened up. Rolled double 6s for the number of shots and absolutely melted it.

He threw in the towel at that point.

Fun game but he definitely forgot a lot of his rules and should probably have concentrated fire a bit more in the first turn.
9 Aug 2013
Dis' post reminded me to post my own game up from Friday!

1.5k, Necrons vs Blood Angels.

We mixed the rules up a bit, in that we chose a deployment layout for the table, set up armies and then applied the missions etc.

This meant that we had both deployed heavily for the center objective, which then got removed LOL!!! Picked up my objectives were take and hold, and my mission was eliminate his characters. His was take and hold with engage on all fronts.

Won first turn.

Me Turn 1: Charged my destroyers forward, hoping that a good charge move would get them in, Silent king and Nightbringer laid waste to his Dreadnaught and Repulsor instantly. Immortals, Tomb Blades and Doomstalker emptied everything into a squad of his assault marines and.... did not a single wound. Tried to charge with the destroyers, failed.
His turn 1: He moved everything forward and all of it was in charge range. Minimal shooting from his intersessors which killed my Tomb Blades, then the charge. His assault squad charged with this Blood angels ability, killing 4 on the charge alone. The remainder quickly finished the last 2 and took the skorpeh lord down to 1 wound who managed to kill 2 in return. His second assault squad charged into my immortals and likewise chewed them all up with just the lord left who killed 1 in return. Fortunately his bikes failed the charge roll.

He finished with 3 objectives, I finished with 1. He scores on engage all fronts.

Disaster all around for me.

My turn 2: Used Szarek and the Nightbringer to gun down his 2 Las cannon platforms. The Doomstalker fired an epic shot into his intersessors killing them all. Then charged the Nightbringer into the squad fighting my Necron Lord who quickly dispatched them all except a captain with 1 wound who killed the lord. The assault squad on my Skorpeh lord finished him off.
His turn 2: Not much for him to do here, he fired his tac squad holding his home objective at Szarek which did nothing, and moved his Assault squad towards my Doomstalker. A solid fire overwatch killed 3. He charges in and kills it, taking my home objective. The Nightbringer kills his captain. I use Hyperphasing to remove the Silent King and Nightbringer from the table.

At this point I only have 1 objective in no mans land. He has both home objectives, scores from engage all fronts and I am looking pretty bad shape well behind on points.

My turn 3: Use cosmic precision to bring Szarek down at his home objective and then wipe out the tac squad holding it. Deep strike my Deathmarks in at the now unhelp no mans land objective and snipe off 2 of his bikes. The nightbringer comes down near the other no mans land objective and melts 3 of his units on there.
His turn 3: His bikes make short work of my deathmarks, but his assault squad on my home objective is unable to move as he will lose the points.

He is still massively ahead on points but I have a nightbringer and szarek in play, vs his 2 remaining bikes and his assault squad.

My turn 4: Maths out the potential points. I am set to lose. Unless I can take out his remaining 2 characters AND kill his bikes this turn. Fortunately the 2 menihrs landed true on the bikes and melted them into oblivion. Finish holding his home objective and one in no mans land. Close the gap.
His turn 4: He is stuck on my home objective, if he moves off it I will win on points. I hyperphase the Nightbringer off the table.

Everything down to the final turn.

My turn 5: Deploy Nightbringer 9 inches away from his captain. Gaze of death melts another 2 of the assault squad. Go for the charge. FAIL. Command Re-roll. Pass. Into combat. The Nightbringer massacres the remaining squaddies but the captain and chaplain stand firm.
His turn 5: Points are calculated and it looks like this.

If he falls back out of combat he will win on points. However, due to terain, he is unable to move far enough to be able to fall back. So he is locked in combat with me.
If we get through combat, and both his characters survive, he wins on points.
If we get through combat, and one of his characters survive, he wins on points.
If we get through combat, and both his final 2 characters die, I win on points.

So it comes down to these 6 final dice.

Use the strike profile. All 6 hit.

2's to wound. All wound, 2 of them devastating. The captain dies. We are now tied for points.

4, 4+ invunerable saves, if he fails 2, then I win.

Dice 1. Fail. He takes 3 wounds down to 1.
Dice 2. Pass.
Dice 3. Pass.
Dice 4. Pass.

His Chaplain does nothing back and we tally up to check and about to agree to a draw when a watcher reminds us, dont forget the drain life ability at the end of combat.

We look at each other, and I pick up a dice. On a 4 or more I win.

Roll the dice with a fast spin for dramatic effect, by this point half the shop is watching in suspence. The dice spins... and spins... and spins.... and then rolls over onto a 5. His chaplain takes a mortal wound and dies, I claim my final victory points and the game is mine :D

It was a super awesome game and we both agreed it was one of the best we have both played. We both look forward to a rematch soon :D:D
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