Would you tip game devs?

22 Nov 2005
If they open the door for tipping it gives them an excuse to not to pay them well and reduce their salary, and all the while, still charge the same for games. It's all about keeping more money in the company's pockets.
probably, like serving staff at restaraunts the ultimate business model.

now just how can we get the customers to start tipping them so we can reduce the wage bill?

the gaming industry since 2008 or so has just been a race to the bottom.

seems all the good devs left to other areas that pay far more money, and we got left with a bunch of young people who get paid rubbish wages and have no experience of anything.
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23 May 2006
i am finding myself playing more and more small indie games now anyway... not all for sure, i still have a few big named titles on the go (really enjouying horizon zero dawn after owning it for 6 years and not playing)

but a lot of the games i am playing now are either flat out emulation of old games, or small indie games which cost very little and were labours of love and nods back to those older styles of games.

maybe the whole deck of cards will collapse in on itsself and we will end up seeing a lot more small projects which dont cost much, dont have licencing and such. and those kinds of games i would be more likely to pay a little on the top if they were good, or to get the off the ground.
16 Feb 2004
some indie games have been doing this for a while, small items with no change in power in game for say £10/20. Sometimes they will literally label it as only buy this to support us. Usually indie games are cheaper but can often give the same or more actual hours of fun gameplay so a system like this is good. Tip if you liked it and thought the price to hours was cheap

This just sounds like the big AAA wanting in to the same revenue stream but at the same time want us to pay top dollar for the game, dlc, early access etc etc
4 Jul 2009
What a ridiculous proposition especially when paired with his obscene examples. These games are gigantic budget and expensive games which in most cases do nothing interesting. Not some passion driven indie project.
Must be smoking the same rubbish he was back at blizzard to express such a dumb opinion.
If the games were priced sensibly then the tip would be buying for a friend or something.
4 Oct 2017
The only way I’d even consider doing this is for a small independent developer that made his game free with optional donations.

If I pay for a game that’s my lot. It’s bad enough they’re still often charging us for dlc that’s already in the game!
23 May 2006
You think any of the income from deluxe editions goes to the rank and file devs?
in that sense......... if there was a "tip X amount here" next to the buy button........ would we be confident it would go to the poorest paid of the devs either? or would it be massively loaded to the senior staff/management?

even if it wasnt, you can bet your bottom dollar once it had normalised that the expected tips would be used in the wage negotiation for any position. Tipping culture is all wrong. maybe it started ok with the best of intentions, for 1 man band businesses as a little thankyou........... but expected / demanded tips from actual companies, where many of the people in that company will earn as much as if not more than the customers anyway?

sod that.
6 Oct 2004
How Bout "No".gif

As others have said - if you really want to "tip", buy all the DLC, soundtrack, art books etc. gift copies to your friends (I've just bought a couple of mates Ori and the Blind Forest). Tips are supposed to show someone has gone above & beyond their job, not just a reward for doing it in the first place - that is called "salary" :rolleyes:

Jesus :cry::cry:.
Blizzard is the one of the worst game companies out there, milking game addicts for years with subscriptions, reeally, they are a worse PoS than EA or Ubisoft imho. They have contributed very little to good games imho, yes they have contributed to games like DOTA2 or LoL via W3, and to many MMO's, but I feel their contribution has been negative overall...

Diablo 3 is a perfect example, how can the most perfect version of your game be on an inferior platform emulated on pc (Diablo 3 on switch emulator) ? They are taking the **** with their always online DRM ****.
They also keep prices of old games way too high.

Blizzard is single handedly responsible for ruining so many lives as well, without the players knowing it. Creating whole armies of regular people with the social skills of autistic people... I guess only Casino game makers are worse, but I personally boycotted Blizzard and have not spent a single penny on those ******** even though I own over 1000+ games legitimally. The MMO principle to have a monthly subcription to play your game simply did never click with me and I will keep opposing it.

I understand the attraction of an MMORPG's, I've faffed about with other MMO's around puberty, but I feel they actually contibuted more negatively to game addiction with pointless grind than any other publisher and general decrease of life quality of players rather than actually living your life IRL.

I'd have to disagree with the highlighted section, purely based on who they were 20-25 years ago. They brought out some industry-changing games back then, the Warcraft RTS series, Starcraft, and while you may not like MMOs, you can't argue that WoW didn't bring them from being a tiny niche market to the forefront of gaming.

These days though... yeah, can't argue with anything else you've said; sadly the same can be said for many of the big studios who were around back then (the few who still exist and haven't been gobbled up by the other big players)
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23 May 2006
i wonder if any game devs post on these forums? i would be interested to hear their take on it - and under the proviso that no one gives them any crap for responding ;)
26 Apr 2017
If blizzard would have made tip them for diablo4 they go foreclose today.

I tip, grim dawn community devs for season mod like upcoming sason6 may 4.
but they make a good value for it.
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