Closing Ceremony & Olympic Inspiration



13 Aug 2003
Apart from Brian "The badger" May.

Doh! How could I forget he had grey hair. To be honest though I really don't see whats so bad about grey/whitish hair. It just becomes ghastly when you see a wrinkly face with one tone of hair colour.

Reminds me of those people that have life crisis, out getting Harley's and chains.
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20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
A tear every time.


Gemma Gibbons telling her mum, who she lost 8 years ago, that she loved her after securing a place in the final.

This make me emotional every time i see it. :(



18 Jul 2012
Watching the ceremony again and is it just me or are all of the Spice Girls hot now ('cept bolemia spice)? I remember em being average looking back when.
12 Jan 2010
Fantastic ending to the greatest show on Earth. Was surprised Robbie Williams didn't drop in on a zip line with Let Me Entertain You or something.

Eric Idle and Boris dancing were my personal highlights.
18 Oct 2002
Jessie J is one of those singers who thinks over warbling EVERYTHING without fail somehow proves her voice is great, what it actually is, is annoying and bad singing. She CAN sing, but she thinks warbling makes everything better..... it does not, ever.

She's woeful, her music is woeful, her style is woeful, her stuff is insipid crap and means nothing. The fact that she is part of the lasting memory of the olympics saddens me.

I LOVED the olympics, the sport anyway, I really can't remember the closing ceremonys of most olympics well if at all, but this one just felt mostly like, a VHS awards ceremony with a bunch of not very well performed half songs. Muse were decent but not a good song choice I thought. George Michael was cringeworthy, as were the petshop boys, the Tempah/Cruise/lesbo trio, May is such a ridiculously good guitarist, with the most ridiculous hair, and ruined by including The lesbian Fringe.

I don't know, its generic world wide popular music for god knows how long, generic pop mostly, with generic pop stars when it came to younger music. Lennox, Idle were great, Muse are always good, didn't even mind Take That(and I thought exceptionally brave of Barlow to face the public after such a horrible tragedy for him). But as said it just came across as generic award show with mix of old/new music.

Brand is a complete ******, isn't funny, can't act, is a terrible singer, and I have no idea why he was there, though in all fairness Fatboyslim looked like the one on drugs tonight.

I just think a hugely successful and popular games needed something more than a condensed crappy T in the Park send off. It needed to be epic and more than just mostly bad music.

I just felt it needed to be something else.
16 Sep 2003
dunker crit...

jessie replaced by georgeM would have worked better imo, he has done it very well before. but still liked it anyway mmmmm jiggly bum heh
take that i hate, but know lots love them so yeah keep them.
russell brand i love but why is he there? go home russell!
spice girls hmm not a fan really and that song is mega cheese, maybe a diff song woulda been better?
brian may, wow.
the who, wow.
the fashion stuff, err, woulda had a few songs from stereophonics instead.
eric idle was just epic!
should have spent a bit more? and got noel instead of liam. sad liams' voice was off? dunno, something was off.
annie lenox i love, but that was too goth, by far. wrong costumes and too negative.
woulda squeezed in some supergrass, underworld and pink floyd-gilmor somehow.

overall i thought it was fantastic and very british and all i can see when remembering it is the who nailing it with tonns of fireworks and everyone in the stadium very happy, total success :D
21 Apr 2003
South North West
Nice shot Mithrandir. You were right about no view of the stadium from inside Victoria Park, unfortunately.

As for the show... it's better on HD TV than it was on a big screen with BT sponsored glitches and manky sound, but this was what I expected the opening ceremony to be like. Lots of nearly good bits done badly, but without the moments of genius which turned the opening into a triumph.

The opening dirge had me reaching for the paracemamol. I know it's sad it's all over, but let's not provoke too many suicides, eh? And don't get me started on the Churchill thing. I'd rather have had an insurance advert.

Lots of other bits were "ok", but Sheeran murdering Floyd and May murdering his guitar left me cold. I could tolerate the Spice Birds, and Idle was a nice idea, even if they dragged the song out a bit. They do get brownie points for letting him use the s word though. The USA will be horrified. :)

On the way back from Victoria Park (via remarkably well organised and pretty smoothly flowing Tube from Mile End) I overheard quite a lot of people who weren't impressed. However the fireworks did round it off nicely. You can hide a lot of pimples with a bit of makeup.

Overall, a disappointing end to a surprisingly stunning couple of weeks. I have no hopes of any great legacy, but it has been truly remarkable to be part of a shared communal experience like this which the country has unexpectedly got behind in a big way.

So congratulations to all involved, from bus drivers to athletes. I'm not sure we shoudl have bid for the darned games, but having got them we did an excellent job of showing the world our better side. And why music sales are dying. ;)

PS The highlight of the evening for me was near the start of the ceremony when a Perseid momentarily lit up the sky. That was the best burn up I've ever seen. Either that or the kid behind me was playing with sparklers.

PPS Special mention has to go to Gary Barlow for performing despite the fact he'd probably rather be at home hugging his Mrs. But I still can't shake the feeling that the best performances last night were from dead artists. There may be some symbology there somewhere if I were to put my cynical hat back on. But I just watched Darcey Bussell and The Who, both of whom are capable of beating cynicism into submission for a while longer.

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