World first QD-OLED monitor from Dell and Samsung (34 inch Ultrawide 175hz)

24 Feb 2003
I can hear the fan in mind but it's very quiet so doesn't bother me. What is less nice though is that sometimes for what reason I'm not sure, the fan ramps and then slows down and it will do this for a minute perhaps and then go back to normal, so it spins the fan up and then immedtialy down again like it can't decide where it wants to sit on it's fan curve, obviously it depends on what is going on on the screen at the time but I haven't really noticed a patern as to what that is exactly, it doesn't seem to be linked to gsync being in use, more to do with the display showing a lot of white I would say but not consistently so. It doesn't do it enough for me to worry about it too much, apparently it's very common though.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
This is the state of burn-in on my AW now:


Same usage as normal, 2 browser windows in split view, left window is the most active whilst right window plays youtube etc

Can't wait for burn-proof OLED :o

As good as this is for everything else, knowing that the burn-in will only amplify as time goes on and the warranty expiry time reels round, not ideal lol.

My warranty expires March 2025, so I guess I could chance a sale of this on marketplace and buy a current gen IPS-Black panel and use it until those burn-proof OLEDs come out, wouldn't cost me much extra in additional funding either and could potentially, need to look at what's out there currently as haven't looked at IPS since going QD-OLED.

For ref I use the QD for WFH and once work is done, then use it for my professional work as well as entertainment. at least 5 days a week.

Edit* Maybe this:

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13 Mar 2008
Greater London
How could you go back to IPS? Boggles the mind.

Do you see the burn when gaming or browsing etc or did you see it once you went out of your way to find it?

I never look for these things. If I don't see it great. I will check for it before selling or before warranty runs out. Why go hunting for something you have not see in daily use is what I say :D
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6 Feb 2019
This is the state of burn-in on my AW now:


Same usage as normal, 2 browser windows in split view, left window is the most active whilst right window plays youtube etc

Can't wait for burn-proof OLED :o

As good as this is for everything else, knowing that the burn-in will only amplify as time goes on and the warranty expiry time reels round, not ideal lol.

My warranty expires March 2025, so I guess I could chance a sale of this on marketplace and buy a current gen IPS-Black panel and use it until those burn-proof OLEDs come out, wouldn't cost me much extra in additional funding either and could potentially, need to look at what's out there currently as haven't looked at IPS since going QD-OLED.

For ref I use the QD for WFH and once work is done, then use it for my professional work as well as entertainment. at least 5 days a week.

Edit* Maybe this:

That's not even noticeable



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I replaced 2 due to manufacturing faults, and 1 for actual burn-in, so this is my 4th.

It's noticeable in some instances like if watching a video and the video contains a scene with mostly grey then the central burn line you can see above is noticeable. It might only be there for a few seconds until the scene moves to something else, but it's there nonetheless. I've not noticed it in games yet but the games I am playing right now do not have grey dominant areas. This is exactly how the last burned in replacement started out, the next 6 months of the same use resulted in it being noticeable in the Photoshop canvas and whilst editing photos with low midtones - Hence the RMA.

These will burn in, regardless of what anyone says, and it will become more and more noticeable as the months roll on.

Nano IPS seems alright, it's no way perfect, but it's probably the best stop-gap until the next gen OLED panels arrive perhaps.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
IPS does not burn in, I owned the world's first AH-IPS 34" and had that until I went QD-OLED, not a single burned in pixel and it had virtually zero BLB either.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
If mine didn't burn in after 10 years, then they don't burn in. I know which is more distracting, IPS glow or burn in you can see every time you open up Photoshop/Lightroom as a productivity professional first and casual gamer 2nd :p
31 Dec 2008
IPS does not burn in, I owned the world's first AH-IPS 34" and had that until I went QD-OLED, not a single burned in pixel and it had virtually zero BLB either.
In some cases lcd panels can burn in as well but it’s very rare (I have seen few).
But you are right all oleds will eventually burn in and I don’t know if we will ever see 100% burn in proof oled.
My first oled tv from 2016 (LG B6) did get burn in in the middle of the screen where people faces usually are despite me doing everything I could to prevent it while still having good image quality. I still got it and it looks fine unless it’s displaying yellow image.
It’s 8 years old now so it served me well.
I’m actually glad they wear out as that gives me a reason to upgrade lol.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I don’t know if we will ever see 100% burn in proof oled.
We will as the tech is currently in lab testing, so a few years before it exits the lab and into consumer displays:

Article I posted previously:

I predict 3 more years min, 5 years max, maybe even sooner as teh current gen of OLEDs reach turn of age and people realise that actually, burn in is an issue and sales drop.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
@BananaDunka maybe go mini led this time so you don’t suffer too much image quality downgrade.?
Sadly nothing with mini LED ticks the most important boxes, Rtings list all the mini LED monitors having checked this previously:

You have to put up with a mix of: lower refresh, low number of local dimming zones (so weak HDR), VA panel, no VRR, small screen size etc. QD-OLED has 99% boxes ticked, but it will burn in, even after a year.
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31 Dec 2008
We will as the tech is currently in lab testing, so a few years before it exits the lab and into consumer displays:

Article I posted previously:

I predict 3 more years min, 5 years max, maybe even sooner as teh current gen of OLEDs reach turn of age and people realise that actually, burn in is an issue and sales drop.
I don’t believe they will be 100% burn in resistant just much more durable than current ones but I’m happy to be proven wrong.
Time will tell.
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4 Jun 2009
How on earth are you getting burn in so often :cry: Mine is still not showing any signs whatsoever and I probably use mine more than you :p

Wouldn't touch LCd with a barge pole now.
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