Bambu Lab P1S Released

17 Nov 2011
By the Sea
Ah ok, can see why being next to it through a stud wall could be a problem. My garage isn't so bad but sometimes I wish I kept it in my office when I forget to put shoes on for the cold floor!

Will try mine out at some point on the silent speed, haven't felt the need yet, it's a shame if it doesn't make a noticeable difference.

Have you tried different models? From what I understand the pre sliced bench isn't ideal. It might be worth looking at the infill pattern used, some of them will mean more movements resulting in more noise.
I've had a bit of a play since and overall the main issue is the aux cooling and enclosure fan, the stepper whine is something new to me as my ender was silent but its not too bad with the door closed. As you say I don't think the supplied models are sliced with noise in mind.
I also think the plastic enclosure amplifies the clunkliness of some of the motion. But with the reduction in print time coming from my ender I possibly won't need to print overnight.

Thinking out of the box how about move your wife to the garage? Just a thought ;)
I could suggest it, but I don't want to get stabbed :eek: She struggles with sleeping as it is and starts work a 4am so its best I tread lightly.
On my X1C I can print and be in the same room without it being annoying but I do mostly print ABS so everything is enclosed.
I think a big part of the issue is the fact its all plastic so it resonates more from the fans and the stepper noise, but as you've suggested knocking the chamber fan down helps a lot. It's not an unbearable amount of noise under normal conditions, just a lot louder than an ender 3 v2 with stock fans.

But other than that, its an impressive machine! The speed and print quailty combined are impressive enough, the AMS is great if wasteful with coloured prints (not why I bought it), and the fact it just works out of the box without going over it with a fine tooth comb makes it well worth the price.
17 Nov 2011
By the Sea
It seems it's that or a creality k1. I guess it depends if you like tinkering (k1) or just printing (P1S) going by user reviews.

Coming from a ender 3 to a P1S I'm more than happy with the upgrade, just a shame it isn't open source but I suppose that's why it just works out of the box.
30 Jul 2005
It seems it's that or a creality k1. I guess it depends if you like tinkering (k1) or just printing (P1S) going by user reviews.

Coming from a ender 3 to a P1S I'm more than happy with the upgrade, just a shame it isn't open source but I suppose that's why it just works out of the box.
whats noise like on p1s?
17 Nov 2011
By the Sea
Loud. Kinda reminds me of and old dot matrix printer with an industrial fan attached, quick though.

I haven't had a proper play with print speeds to try and improve it but most of the noise is the fans, followed by the print head moving at speed.



13 Nov 2014
Any merits to replacing the fans on p1s with after market ones? Replaced all my ender fans and it was running at a reasonable sound level.
17 Nov 2011
By the Sea
Any merits to replacing the fans on p1s with after market ones? Replaced all my ender fans and it was running at a reasonable sound level.
There doesn't seem to be a lot of people doing it, probably because most buyers bought a bambu lab printer because they don't want to tinker, so I haven't seen much about it.
27 Jan 2007
London Town
Had my P1S since Tuesday. Absolutely blown away by how much better it is in every respect than my - admittedly entry level - FLSUN Q5 that I've had for three years. Think it might be the most impressive unboxing experience of anything I've ever bought. Build volume increase was an obvious given, but speed and particularly print quality are improved way beyond my expectations.

Only major issue so far is the crap wifi, apparently a common problem. I have a Netgear Orbi router plus single satellite and despite being 2m away from the latter it drops connection constantly, even though logging into the router confirms it's connected to it ok.

Camera feed also disappointing, more slideshow than video. Initially thought the low framerate was due to the network issues but seems it's just a limitation of the P1's processor.
20 Jul 2007
A sunnier or damper area than Ron-ski....
What's the foot print of these? I'm looking to replace my prusa mini with one but I want it in my Ikea printing cubby
Basically just under 400mm X 400mm - and unlike bed slingers you don't need extra space for it to move the y axis, so pretty compact.

Only thing to bear in mind is the 'poop chute' at the back that clears old filament out, so need a little more space for that to not be blocked
Pet Northerner
29 Jul 2006
Newcastle, UK
Basically just under 400mm X 400mm - and unlike bed slingers you don't need extra space for it to move the y axis, so pretty compact.

Only thing to bear in mind is the 'poop chute' at the back that clears old filament out, so need a little more space for that to not be blocked

I've got 60cm to play with so I think I can fashion a poop chute accessory to get the filament to the side
27 Jan 2007
London Town
Worth considering that by default the filament spool hangs off the back as well (there are printable brackets which move it to the side). Not only for the sake of access, but to actually change filament without moving the printer you need to include the width of the spool as well. Adds up to needing about 16cm between the back of the printer and whatever's behind it.

Edit: Unless you have space above for the AMS :)
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Pet Northerner
29 Jul 2006
Newcastle, UK
Worth considering that by default the filament spool hangs off the back as well (there are printable brackets which move it to the side). Not only for the sake of access, but to actually change filament without moving the printer you need to include the width of the spool as well. Adds up to needing about 16cm between the back of the printer and whatever's behind it.

Edit: Unless you have space above for the AMS :)
Aye the plan is to get an AMS.

Will probably be after the holidays now as with work and sorting things I'll not get time to play with it - also give me more time to think if I want the XC1 or not.
17 Nov 2011
By the Sea
Another vote for the AMS only done a couple multi coloured prints, and even then only whole layer changes, but it's great to have 4 filaments ready to go with minimal fuss.
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